Blogger Layouts

Sabtu, 24 Julai 2010


yup aku ingin kamoo selamanya hidup bersama ku.....biar ape yg org nak kate asal kan kite taw ape yg kite buat itu betul.....act banyak rintangan yang kite hadapi sepanjang kite bersame...biarlah mereka hanya melihat kegembiraan kite tetapi mereka tidak melihat kesedihan kite...kite tidak perlu menagih simpati owg laen.....awak x perlu menipu diri awak yg sebenarnye awak perlukan saya dlm hidup awak......buang ego awak tu....ego adakalanye baik then sebaliknye....SITI NOORFARHANA BINTI MD ISHAK PERLUKAN MUHAMMAD NUR HANIF BIN ZAINOL SEBAGAI SEORG TEMAN UTUK MENANGIS DAN BERGEMBIRA....saye juga ingin berada disisi awak dikala awak jatuh dan bangun.....

I- i

forever n ever until i die

Isnin, 19 Julai 2010


hari berlalu makin cpat...sampai aku pon xsedar...huhuhu dunia nie makin tua dah.....class pon dah masook week 3...quiz pon dah mule tunjukkan mke.....isyh....fenin2...xpew aku taw aku leyh ur self...acc107,bel311,csc119,ctu211,mat249 and qmt200....all subject are very im must study my parents i lurve u so much....i try to do the best for u

Jumaat, 16 Julai 2010

never be replace

Baby I love you
And I`ll never let you go
But if I had to
Boy I think that you should know
All the love we made
Can never be erased
And I promise you that
You never be replaced

I love you
Yes I do
I`ll be with you
As long as you want me to
Until the end
Of time

From the day I met you
I knew we`d be together
And now I know that
I wanna be with you forever
I wanna marry you
And I wanna have your kid
Thinkin` never compare to the
Feelin` of your kisses
I can say
I`m truly happy to this day
You make me thank God
That I live my life everyday
There`s never been a doubt
In my mind
That I regret
Ever having you by my side
But if the day comes
That I have to let you go
I think there`s something
I should probably let you know
Boy everyday
That I spend with you
And I will miss you cause
I`m happy that I had you at all

I love you
Boy yes I do
I`ll be with you
As long as you want me to
The end
Of Time

Khamis, 15 Julai 2010


x taw la aku bende ney KEbetulan kew ape...semalam si dia punye brg nyer tertinggl dekat kelas then awiney aku pnye plak tertinggal...hahaha mcm adew jodoh jew...harap2 gitu la ek....diriku akan menunggu nye utk selamenye....yup aku perlu wat perubahan....itu sebenarnye yg dia nk...aku perlu belajar erti kehidupan....MUHAMMAD NUR HANIF BIN ZAINOL.....jgn risau sy akan bukti kan kepada kamoo......

Ahad, 11 Julai 2010

semester 3

sem 3 yea...sem yg amat kritikal sebenarnye...sem ney kene kuat berkerja coz nk naik kan CGPA....aku nk cter sal sem ney...sem ney aku amik 7 subjek..bnyk kan...hahaha itu lah realitinye kehidupan aku skunk yg perlu aku tempuhi.....wat owg yg aku syg especially in my life...My faMiLY...My FRIendS and someone sepecial in mY HearT....farah akan wat terbaik bukan saja utk diri farah tetapi utk sume owg yg farah sayang...yup sukar utk kite berubah menjadi yg lbh baik BuT kite boleh usaha & minta pertolongan dri YANG MAHA ESA......sesungguhnye dia maha mengetahui ape yg tersurat dan ape yg tersirat.......keep it up gurn...i know u can do it....i must change every things in my life..about my attitute,education....communicate with other people...and improve my IMAN.....ok that all for today....i will continue next tyme ok....